
Posted by GradConnection

喺面試表現唔錯?恭喜你!但你仲有好緊要嘅事未做 - 跟進(follow up)!見工之後有冇做好跟進,可以直接影響到你獲取工作機嘅會㗎! 
點解跟進咁重要? 面試後跟進能夠表示你對工作嘅熱誠,加強印象分,仲可以籍機會強調你點解係適合嘅人選。 
一個簡短親切嘅跟進有機會成為你比其他人更勝一籌嘅關鍵因素。作為fresh grad初入職場,掌握面試後跟進嘅技巧非常重要。我哋嘅指南會教你點樣有效率地跟進,從而提高獲聘機會!






  1. 首段打招呼以及致謝


  2. 重申你相關技能同經驗


  3. 表達你嘅熱誠


*送分時間: 補充面試時答得不太理想嘅部分 


範例一: 幾句簡單扼要

Subject Line: Thank you for the interview - [Job Title] 
Hi [Interviewer's Name], 
Thank you again for taking the time to interview me yesterday for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name]. I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about this exciting position. 
With my leadership experience from my roles at [Uni/College Name] and my proven skills in [2-3 Core Skills], I know that I could thrive and make strong contributions very quickly in this [Job Title] position. I have a true passion for [Core Part of the Role] and would love to join a company with such a stellar reputation like [Company Name]. 
Please let me know if you need any other information from me as you move forward with next steps. I look forward to hearing from you soon! 
Best regards,
[Your Name] 
範例二: 補充解答之前題目
Subject Line: More thoughts on [Specific Topic] - [Job Title] 
Hi [Interviewer's Name], 
Thank you again for the insightful conversation yesterday regarding the [Job Title] opportunity at [Company Name]. I left the interview energized about this potential role. 
After reflecting on our discussion around [Specific Interview Topic], I wanted to elaborate a bit more on my thoughts and experience in that area, which I don't feel I fully conveyed during our chat. 
[2-3 Sentences Expanding or Clarifying Your Relevant Experience/Skill] 
With my enthusiasm for [Relevant Role Responsibility] coupled with this hands-on experience, I'm highly confident that I could be an immediate asset to your team at [Company Name]. This role truly aligns with my goals and passions. 
Please let me know if any other questions come to mind as you continue evaluating candidates. I'm available at any time to discuss further. I look forward to hopefully joining your team soon! 
Best regards,
[Your Name] 
只要用適當嘅字句去跟進、重申自己嘅專業優勢,並表現出對工作嘅真摯熱誠,一封出色嘅跟進電郵就可以助你成功獲取理想嘅工作!採用以上fresh grad見工後跟進技巧,你就可以順利展開夢寐以求嘅職業生涯啦! 


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