A 7 Point Checklist on How to Research a Company You Want to Work For

Posted by Lucas Leung

When you start applying for graduate programs, you may come to realise that you don’t actually know that much about the companies you want to work for. This is why knowing how to research a company you want to work for is so important.

Company research will not only help you decide where you want to apply, but it is also great preparation for your interview or something extra you can include in your cover letter.

1. Basic company background

Start out your research by looking at the company website. Find out what the company does, the different work divisions and streams they have as well as the types of projects they work on. When doing research into company background, find information that is important and interesting to you such as social impact, corporate strategy, or grad profiles.

2. Mission statement and values

Interviewers really appreciate when you have a deeper interest in the company, especially when you demonstrate a clear link between personal interests and reasons.

Find out the companies long term goals and what type of values they uphold to impress interviewers by asking specific and tailored questions that emphasises your passion and enthusiasm for the firm

3. Organisational structure and leadership

Learn a bit more about how the organisation operates from an employer perspective. Understanding the different types of roles available within a company can also give you insight into potential career progressions post graduate program.

4. Distinguishing from competitors

In your research, you'll come across things that set the company apart in their eyes from their competitors. By displaying that you have a vested interest in the company, you become more convincing as a candidate. This means a recruiter will look more favourably upon you because of your commitment to their business over another.

5. Research recent news and events

Keeping up to date with what the company is up to is really beneficial for your application, especially in interviews or your cover letter. It is really helpful to know the recent projects they have done, the outcome of the projects and also what the company is working on in the future.

Once you’ve done this, you can communicate to an interviewer or recruiter that you are really passionate about similar projects and would want to be involved in something like the company does.

6. Work culture and environment

Work culture is one of the most important aspects of a company that will often dictate how great your experience is. Most companies have a website page dedicated to their workplace culture which you can use to see whether you will be working with like-minded people with similar values or a diverse group of people with different perspectives and ideas.

7. Career opportunities and progression

There’s nothing stopping you from looking beyond the graduate program at a company. Have a look into the different opportunities and roles that might be available after the grad program. You might find some cool roles you can pivot into or work towards.

Now that you know these 7 different areas to focus on when researching a company, you might be wondering how to actually find this information! Here are a couple of our recommendations:

  • Google

Most people start their research with a Google search, often leading to the places mentioned below. However, Google may lead you to websites that have more specific answers you are looking for.

  • Company Website

Check out the company’s careers website and find more information on the role you are applying for. You can also read about recent news and what the company does in greater detail.

  • Your Network

The people you know can be a great source of information regarding the type of work a company does or their internal culture. Reach out to people that you know that have worked at certain companies and ask them questions. Most people love helping others find a good company fit.

  • Social Accounts

A lot of companies post recent updates and news on their LinkedIn accounts which means it’s a great place to stay updated.

  • Job Posting Sites

Following job posting sites, like GradConnection, will result in you being notified of new roles that pop up at your favourite companies. LinkedIn is also good for recent and relevant content and is a popular place for companies to post.

We wish you the best of luck in your search! Ready to begin? Check out our current opportunities.


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