Current Concerns and Challenges for Grad Recruitment in Asia

Posted by Kat Czornij

Our account managers have been busy during May and June working with our employer partners on their grad recruitment strategies. During these sessions we noticed most companies are currently experiencing similar concerns or challenges. We’ve summarised these below to help all employers in how best to approach the upcoming grad recruitment season in the region.

Hiring Numbers

Most companies are continuing with their grad programs as planned, in particular the technology, finance and insurance sectors. Some employers are reporting having to reduce the number of students, but this reduction has been minimal as they recognise early careers have a long-term effect on a company’s future.

Currently companies are planning for this year’s peak graduate recruitment season, with employers trying to bridge the gap between now and peak season.

Remote Recruiting Processes

Hiring activities in the first quarter of the year continued, but with full assessment centres and face-to-face interviews no longer possible, moving virtually was inevitable. Employers made sure to maintain close communication with applicants to make sure they understand the process and online tools required to facilitate the virtual assessment. They also worked closely within teams to ensure the technical issues were all tackled to ensure a smooth process, and that it was a fair and transparent assessment for students even virtually.

The current challenge for employers is how to make offers and on-board new hires remotely, to offer candidates a positive experience amid all this change and uncertainty.

Virtual Engagement

Many employers are exploring new ways to engage students while face-to-face campus events and careers fairs are not available. Many are attending virtual career fairs or conducting branded webinars or Facebook Lives, with partners such as universities or GradConnection. They are also keen to keep engagement high by posting more frequently on social media.

We have suggested to employers that they use targeted eDMs and their profile page on GradConnection to connection with students 24/7 and ensure they are staying top of mind.


For employers who are offer summer internships - they are concentrating on converting their summer internships into virtual summer internships.

Budget Cuts

While companies try to maintain headcount and are not laying off staff wherever possible, they are finding ways to save cost and mitigate loss caused by Covid-19. As a result budgets from marketing and office administration have been reduced.

GradConnection will continue to provide employers updated information on the grad recruitment sector through our newsletter and webinars. As Covid-19 is stablising in Hong Kong, our upcoming career fair in late September will also be in time to provide an opportunity for employers to meet with students again.

If you would like to discuss your grad recruitment plans with us please contact us here. We will focus on understanding your current position and provide our recommendations for your business.


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