How to Engage with Recruiters (Plus a Free Message Template!)

Posted by GradConnection

Just attended a bunch of careers fairs and connected with some employers you’re now thinking of reaching out to? Whether it be an email or a message on social media, it can be nerve-wracking to put a line out there to someone who you’re looking to impress. We outline some of the top tips to keep in mind when following up with recruiters in this article below.   

Introduce Yourself 

Give a little context to your story! Don’t forget to attach your resume/CV with your message so recruiters have it handy. Some key things to include in a short but sweet introduction are: 

  • A simple greeting 
  • Any past connections e.g. if you met briefly at a careers fair or were referred to them by a mutual acquaintance  
  • What you’re currently studying or your current job title (if applicable) 
  • A brief line on your career background (if applicable) 

Know What You’re Asking For 

Simply asking “Do you have any jobs available?” definitely won’t be earning you any brownie points with recruiters! Employers are often happy to chat about career advice, particularly if you’re looking to learn more or break into the field that they specialise in. Some questions you could use include those surrounding:

  • Day-to-day specifics of a role 
  • Application tips 
  • Workplace culture 
  • Career progression 

If you are asking about a job, make it about a specific role that you’ve found listed on their relevant organisation, and as always, research, research, research! Make sure the question you’re asking hasn’t already been answered somewhere on their website or similar.  

Ask Graciously 

While networking is technically part of a recruiter’s job, it’s still important to be accommodating in your request. 

  • Start small, then go big! Ask for 5-10 minutes as an initial opener and see where things go from there
  • Be open to the timing – let the recruiter choose a time and date convenient for them 
  • Put down your best form of contact 
  • If they are keen to go forward with a meeting then offer a range of different meeting formats – Zoom, phone call, Teams, Slack? Be flexible with whatever takes their fancy! 

Example Message (If Not Connected Previously) 

Hi _______,  

It’s lovely to e-meet you. My name is ______ and I am in my penultimate year of studying _________. I have recently finished an internship with __________ and have a keen interest in learning more about the ________ field. I've had a look at your work and am really inspired by what you do at ________. Would you have a quick 5-10 minutes to spare to tell me a little bit more about what you do in your day-to-day role?  

You can reach me via my mobile number _________ or my email here ___________. Happy to chat over whatever platform and time that best suits. 

Thank you in advance for your time. 

Example Message (If Connected Previously) 

Hi _______, 

My name is _______ and we talked briefly at GradConnection’s Meet the Employers networking event last week. It was lovely to meet you and I really enjoyed our conversation about working at _______. I just wanted to thank you for your time and let you know that I have submitted my application for the _______ Graduate Program. 

Looking forward to hearing back from the recruitment team and hopefully taking the next steps with __________! 

You can reach me via my mobile number _________ or my email here ___________.  

Thank you in advance for your time. 


Patience is Key 

Recruiters are busy people, so don’t always expect an immediate response! While it may be tempting to double message sooner rather than later, a follow-up message around two weeks after no response is generally a good rule of thumb to go by. 

Example Message (Follow-Up) 


I just wanted to follow up regarding my message from two weeks ago. I would still be keen to connect about what a career in _______looks like. If you could spare 5-10 minutes to have a quick chat, I would greatly appreciate your time.  

Thank you again. 


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